Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Little Brown Dove (Laughing Dove)

During September last year there was a strange visitor at home, a Viper, and we had to struggle hard to get it rescued. Fortunately there was a pleasant surprise few days back. Now there was a winged visitor.  A little brown dove, also known as Laughing Dove (Stigmatopelia senegalensis), flew in and refused to leave our home. Normally I used to spread some rice grains on the boundary wall and keep  water in a pot hanging by the branch of a Night flowering Jasmine tree (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) also known as Parijat or Harsingar locally. Due to disturbances in the family after the demise of my wife, the practice of keeping feed for the birds could not be attended to.

I have very many times observed a pair of the little doves flying around. On that particular day, a bag of rice was brought home and placed in a corner. It occurred to me that perhaps the dove has come in search of food or may be to complain that I am not keeping the feed for them outside.  Although I loved its intrusion, I was trying to drive it out lest it gets caught by the moving ceiling fans and injures itself. My fears really came true and it fell on the rice bag. We could easily catch it although it tried to escape by occupying its position on the curtain rods at home.We examined it and found that there were no external wounds, may be internally it could have been hurt some where. We released it in the garden and gave some water in a bowl.  it sat there for few minutes and then flew away. 

This incident was haunting me perpetually and I was always in the look out of this pair in our vicinity.  Now I am happy that they have been spotted and they are on their rounds. I am envious of my neighbour as the pair of the little brown doves have started building a nest in his house, that too adjacent to the electricity meter.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A College in disguise

.We were returning from a visit to a knitwear factory at Tiruppur near Coimbatore. While we were about 10/12 kilometres away from our destination, a ship like structure became visible from a distance. My nephew who too was attracted, started shouting ship, ship. I protested, no It can’t be a ship, you don’t have a Sea here. He was not to be subdued. He promptly said, the Tsunami might have brought it here. Again I asked, then where is the Sea. He readily answered,  it was taken away by the Tsunami.

I took a photograph from that distance and when we were closing in, I got the vehicle stopped for further exploration. The structure turned out to be a College of Marine Engineering of Coimbatore. The photographs are appended.