Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Demise of my beloved wife

 My late wife Pushpa

It is with deep anguish that I am to inform about the sad demise of my beloved wife on the 7th February (Current month) at the age of 64. She was able to withstand the pains of her ailment for over an year but she gave up at the end. Last November, she fell down and got her thigh bone broken. She was operated and a plate was screwed up. After 3 months she was able to move around with the help of a walker.  Unfortunately around May 1010, the plate fixed up also got broken and the surgeon attending her wanted to wait for few more months (before performing another operation) anticipating that the bones may get joined automatically. All the time she was bed ridden and under medication. She was already suffering from Arthritis for over two decades.

In between she developed Urinary track infection for which she was repeatedly treated. Because of prolonged bed rest, another problem which became painful were the bed sores right under her buttocks which were refusing to heal because of the dressings getting wet during urination. Finally Catheters were used assuming that the bed sores could become dry before we do the second operation. However they worked for two days and then got blocked because of the  puss mixed infected particles coming out. For the next two days urination stopped totally and we had to rush her to a nearby hospital.

After a day things improved a little. Various examinations were carried out. The blood examination revealed  that the haemoglobin level was 4.2 as against the normal 11.5. Similarly the platelets count was also alarmingly low. The WBC and other ingredients were also low. As an immediate step, two units of blood (O-) was given along with platelets. This brought about marginal improvement the next day. On the fourth day in the Intensive Care Unit, things went beyond our control. Since the bodies immunity was at its lowest, deterioration was faster and within a couple of hours, I was shocked to be informed by the doctors that she has suffered Cardiac arrest.

The next day we brought the body home and arranged her cremation. Alas! I could have brought her back alive.

Now let her Soul rest in peace.

(Note: I shall be away from my desolated home for over a month visiting my mother and relations and therefore will not be contributing anything here)


  1. Very sad to hear it PNS. May God give you the strength to tide over this situation..I can understand how painful it is to have someone beloved bedridden for long period of time. My dad was paralyzed to bed for over 3 years.

  2. बहुत ही दुखद समाचार है. बीच रास्ते में जीवन साथी का बिछुड़ जाना पीड़ा देता है. ईश्वर इस पीड़ा से जल्दी उबरने की आपको शक्ति दे.

  3. Sir,
    I pray The Almighty to give you the strength to pass through the sad and hard times, and may the departed soul rest in peace.

  4. My heartfelt condolences, Sir. May you find strength from within to survive these sorrowful days.

  5. यहीं मानव हार जाता है,हम लोग बहुत ही दुखी हैं,प्रभु आपको इस आघात को सहने की शक्ति दें.दिवंगत आत्मा को मोक्ष मिले यही हम सबकी कामना है.

  6. Sincerest condolences. God give you strength to bear this great loss

  7. I am extremely sorry to read this heart breaking news.She looks so healthy and cheerful in the photo and it is unbelievable that she is no more. I suppose God knows best.

    Kindly accept my heartfelt condolences.May the Almighty God give you the strength to bear this irreparable loss.

    I pray for her soul to rest in peace.

    Yours in sorrow,

  8. May God the Almighty give you strength to bear the loss!

  9. Very sad to know. May God give you the courage

  10. I am very sorry..we are all with you in this moment of grief.

  11. Subramanian Saab, My condolences. Words actually fail me at this moment. I just hope you will get over this loss over a period of time.

  12. Oh! PNS I am so sorry to hear this, Please accept our sincere condolences. I know that words wont help in the circumstance, but our prayers are for your consolation and for the departed soul, to rest in peace.

  13. P.N., I'm terribly sorry to read these sad news. Some months ago you mentioned the operation, but nobody would predict things would develop this way... My thoughts are with you, and I hope you'll get the courage to go through the infaust circumstances!

  14. Uncle Please accept my most sincere condolences on the loss. May your memories give you strength.

  15. I am deeply pained to hear such a sorrowful news. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on your incomparable loss. Her memories will surely give you the strength to carry on.

  16. I am very sorry to hear such a sad news. My heartfelt condolences to you and the family.

  17. .

    पोस्ट के माध्यम से पता चला कि पुष्पा जी कितने कष्ट के साथ जीवन गुज़ार रहीं थीं। उनका चले जाना एक बहुत बड़ा दुःख है । इश्वर उनकी आत्मा कों शांति दे और आपको दुःख सहने कि हिम्मत ।

    विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि ।


  18. हम सभी शोक संतप्त हैं ,
    किन्तु जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्यु -जो जन्मा है एक दिन जाएगा ..
    आप के साथ उन्होंने एक लम्बा जीवन जिया -वही आपकी थाती है अब ..
    खुद को संभालिये !

  19. Your sorrow is shared by all of us.

    It was good to talk for a long time with you the other day. I am sure that we will be able to spend some time with each other in March

    Shastri JC Philip

  20. We are sorry to learn about your recent bereavement. We pray Almighty Lord to grant you the fortitude to bear the loss.

  21. Shocked to know sir. Heartfelt condolences.

  22. दुखद!! अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धांजलि!

    ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा कों शांति दे और आपको दुःख सहने की क्षमता प्रदान करे.

  23. ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा कों शांति दे।

  24. I am extremely sorry to hear about the sudden demise of your wife. I would like to offer my sincere condolences to you and your family.
    May God's blessings and peace be with you and your wonderful family.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  25. आदरणीय सुब्रमनियम जी, हम सभी आपके शोक में आपके साथ हैं । आपके लेख से मालूम हुआ पुष्पा जी ने कितने कष्ट उठाये अपने अंतिम वर्ष में, आपने भी उनके साथ साथ इनको झेला होगा । मैने अपने पिता अपने भाई और अपनी सास को ऐसे ही कष्ट झेलते हुए मौत से जूझते और हारते देखा है । उनके साथ रहते अपनी विवशता पर खीज कैसी होती है ये भी जाना । आप को और आपके परिजनों को ये दुख सहने का धैर्य मिले यही प्रार्थना ।

  26. It is very sad to know about the demise of your beloved wife. It appears she suffered a lot and so did you with her. We are all there with you in this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace.

  27. Dear Subramanian, Your dear wife looks so pleasant and twinkly in the photo you post. My heart-felt condolences.

  28. I am very sorry that this has happened. My sympathy goes out to you and your family.

  29. कुछ कहने लायक नहीं हैं, आपसे ....

  30. Very shocking to learn the sad demise of your life companion! May her soul rest in peace.May God give you strength to bear the heavy loss.

  31. परमात्मा उनकी आत्मा को शांति दे,

  32. Thanks a lot for your lovely comment.

  33. I am so sorry for your loss .May her soul rest in peace and grace.
