Friday, December 2, 2011

Mountain Ebony

I am fond of flowers and the specie we shall be talking about is quite common in India. When it is common, what could be the purpose in bringing out a post on that. Not because the buds are used to prepare pickles or that the bark of the tree has medicinal properties. The reason is simply my vested interest. I happened to click some photographs while I was at Coimbatore. I came across a different kind of Mountain Ebony (Bauhinia Variegata) hitherto unknown to me which looked very attractive. I wanted to show it to my folks driven by a sort of  childish instinct in me.
This kind of Yellow as also White are very common

In India alone, there are around a dozen varieties and some of them turn into creepers as well. The tree is medium sized and has a brown bark which split vertically. The flowers could be either white, yellow or red. All these varieties are found through out India. They are grown in gardens as ornamental trees. It starts flowering during February/March and by May fruits could be seen. The leaves are split into two parts and generally  both the parts remain folded together. Once the leaf is opened up, it would resemble a Camel’s foot and it is also called so.

In view of its medicinal properties the bark is used in Ayurveda for treating blood related problems, skin diseases, itching, boils, eczema etc.
In India the names we get are: Sanskrit = Kashchnar, Hindi = Kachnar, Marathi = Koral/Kanchan, Gujarati = Champakanti, Bengali = Kanchan, Telugu = Devakanchanamu, Tamil = Mandarai. Kannada = Keyumandara, Malayalam = Mandaram, Punjabi = Kulad.


  1. PNS
    I have also clicked the same flower when I was in Kochi recently. Shall post them.But the pink is awesome.Nice pics there.

  2. nice info about flower and its properties


  3. what lovely flowers...thanks for the information PNS

  4. चित्रों को मंत्रमुग्ध होकर देखता रहा।
    पादप के गुणों के बारे में अच्छी जानकारी मिली।

  5. wow this is amazing .. the flower is beautiful thanks for sharing :)


  6. Lovely.. I always love this kinda nature related post. :)

  7. How beautiful, isn't mother nature wonderful?

  8. Very informative post.
    I never knew of the medicinal properties.

  9. The first and the second flowers are gorgeous. I love the colors.

  10. Very pretty flowers ! I never knew so many related information.But do remember Kachar being mentioned in many Hindi novels ,poetry and stories.

  11. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely flowers!

  12. Kachnar is less known medicinal plant . Beautiful presentation .

  13. kachchi kali kachnar ki -- I remember this line from a song. Thank you for the information and the beautiful pictures.

  14. A wonderful treat! Beautiful flowers, loved them.. Had never heard of them. Many thanks for enriching my knowledge.

  15. I love seeing flowers from around the world...Beautiful

  16. Beautiful flowers. I too love photographing them.

  17. Hi P.N.! I’m so happy to be here after my accident ;)

    Lovely flowers, precious pictures!!

    Blogtrotter Two is around Scandola. Fabulous! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

  18. I also fond of flower, plant, trees. beautifull photographes by clicks>

  19. Dropping by to say hello, best wishes to you and yours.

  20. Lovely colour of the flower. You ahve taken wonderful shot. Nicely described.

  21. Just dropped by to say hello and the flowers still enchant me!!

  22. Flowers of Breathtaking Beauty.Nice captures at Coimbatore.

  23. Hello PNS,

    Very informative post along with beautiful photos.

    Best wishes,

  24. Just dropped in to say my 'Namaskar' to you .
