Wednesday, July 10, 2013


A Cat frequenting our home became pregnant. It was searching for a suitable hideout for confinement.  Day before yesterday it was missing and my mother predicted that it could have made it some where. In the evening itself we could hear the baby cries. All of us at home were curious to locate them and finally my niece who is here on a similar mission found two little ones screaming. 

Next day when the mom came to visit the kid seems to have complained about our intrusions.

After carefully listening she would have consoled  and fed them.

A little annoyed for being photographed

And this one is perhaps waiting for an opportunity to make a meal of the babies!


  1. How cute! Felt like petting them and last one looks like a villain.

  2. Nice cozy little home they made for themselves.

  3. Beautiful Photos. What cute kittens and posing too.

  4. nice pictures with a good my balcony pigeons breed and so many times i want to take photos but dont ,due to the fear that little ones may get scared..

  5. I had one kitten here till 2 days back. Suddenly it has disappeared . Appears someone has lifted it up..mother cat is searching for it..

  6. So happy to see new born kitten!

  7. Very cute. It is joy to watch them.

  8. My aunt keeps so many cats in her house and they keep delivering babies...once i was spendign night at her house..and in the morning i feel my feet on something cusy..looking up i see couple of kittens have sneaked under my feet to gte warmth and i get a kitten cushion!! symbiosis right!!!

  9. Wow, pretty!

  10. Hi PNS Sir,
    Answering your query on my blog - Ages ago such golden ploughes were used by important people to plough the land for the first time of each harvest season. One eg. such a event is at Lal Mahal, Pune where Shivaji & Jijabhai are seen with golden plough!

  11. cute both of them...

    a mother and child...

    thanks sir

  12. Beautiful - the story & the pictures..

  13. Tell me PNS sab! Do cat eat their own babies? Nice Pic!

  14. Cats are Good pets. But lot of precautions are required. I will narrate one incident that occurred just one month before in my flat. We had a cat in the flat which I occupied on my transfer to Coimbatore. That cat gave birth to 3 kitten which grew up in our presence. One survived and two others came under a car parked in front of the flat. The remaining one gave birth to 4 kitten of which one survived. the remaining met with the same fate as the earlier ones as these kitten used to hide under the parked cars and the drivers took the vehicles without noticing the kitten under the car. We moved to another flat above the same flat and that flat was occupied by another family. The remaining kitten grew up and the mother and child both delivered 3 kittens each. The house was full of kittens and with some reluctance in the beginning the family loved the new ones and fed the kitten and mothers with all that is available. The neighbours and their children also started playing with all the kitten. The lady in the house felt that the numbers are too much and hence collected one mother and its kitten in a basket and dropped somewhere else. After a week or so, one kitten went missing. All searched for the kitten and after one day found it hiding in a corner of the adjacent flat injured. The guard advised that he saw a stray dog entering a biting the kitten. The kitten died next day. The very next day another kitten fell sick followed by its mother. Withing two days both mother cat and the sick kitten died leaving one young one to mend for itself. This one appeared sick and people took turns to care and feed for one day. One family took it and kept it in their bedroom one the night. Next day, the kitten was taken to a vet. who immediately after seeing the kitten said that it has rabies. It died even before it was brought back. It was buried. On doctor's advise, all who handled the kitten are now taking preventing injections for rabies.
    So Love is OK. Be careful.
